Snoozeeland is where dreams and nightmares come from. At the heart of Snoozeeland, is Dream Central where the Bedtime Defenderz stand guard making sure dream energy and nightmare energy stay in balance.

The Bedtime Defenderz homeland Snoozeeland name graphic
The Bedtime Defenderz species called Vykans text graphic

The Bedtime Defenderz are a legendary species called Vykans.

For centuries, the Vykans have patrolled Snoozeeland and protected the balance between dreams and nightmares.  Their mission is to protect kids throughout the universe from the bad guys who want to steal dream energy and turn it into nightmare power.  Each young Vykan that is specially chosen to serve as a superhero in Snoozeland gains their unique super powers in amazing and mysterious ways.  And, the story of how each one gets their powers is a suspenseful and energetic journey.

Bedtime Defenderz Group Illustration
Torrags from Bedtime Defenderz text graphic
Torrag with glowing eyes leader of the Night Krawlerz from Bedtime Defenderz's

About one million years ago, the Vykans lost control of Caverton, a dark region that is full of cold caves, shadowy mountains, scary forests, and endless tunnels.  It was taken over by one of the darkest Vykans to ever exist.  His name is Torrag, Master of Shadows.  He was born in a quiet, cold village in the far north of Snoozeeland.  He’s big and bad; he’s mean and mad.  

The more dream energy Torrag is able to steal, the stronger he gets, and the larger Caverton becomes. Torrag has built a nightmare factory in Caverton, which is where he converts dream energy into nightmare energy and sends it to torment kids throughout the universe.

Bedtime Defenderz group action illustration
Bedtime Defenderz Logo

Nearly a million years ago, when Torrag was young, he betrayed the trust of a good friend, which resulted in a serious injury to his friend.  On that day, there was an enormous and entirely unique event….the Vykans call it the ‘Big Bang’.  That’s the day when a giant star in Snoozeeland collapsed, creating a huge black hole that sucked Torrag into it immediately following the betrayal of his friend’s trust.  While at the same time, it released an atomic burst of energy that targeted five young and brave Vykans giving them extra special powers.  It was on this day that the team of Bedtime Defenderz was created and called to duty.  And they’ve been protecting dream balance, and battling their enemy, Torrag, ever since.

Night Krawlerz from the Bedtime Defenderz group action illustration
Night Krawlerz from the Bedtime Defenderz  Logo

Torrag has generals, called Night Krawlerz, who carry out his sinister plots to steal dream energy from kids in the universe and convert it into nightmare energy.  The Night Krawlerz control an army of soldiers, called Bed Bugz, who do all the dirty work.  They try to invade the bedrooms of boys and girls who are going to bed for the night.

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